Current themes
The topics listed below serve as broad, inspirational guidelines for the projects.
Theme 1 - Forest carbon

Forest carbon
Description: Valuing forest carbon stocks incentivises afforestation projects and sustainable forest management globally and it has brought new attention to forest investments. However, many different methodologies for estimating forest carbon exist and in most countries the platforms for trading with carbon credits are either immature or completely absent. Consequently, working with carbon accounting and offsets from forests is not simple and carbon trading often becomes informal and non-transparent. Hover to read topic suggestions.
Off setting – how can forests be used as a carbon off setting tool?
Documentation of the additionality criteria in a carbon off setting project.
Improved forest management activities in existing production forests in Northern Europe.
Forest carbon markets: Different approaches to carbon trade.
Carbon modelling within forests (and other land use).
Documenting carbon benefits: Synergies between FSC/PEFC and carbon certification standards.
Substitution effect and lifetime of wood products.
Topic of your own choice.
Theme 2 - Forest economy

Forest economy
Description: Wood materials are an important part of the green transition. Thus, sustainably produced timber is an attractive resource that is highly demanded within the construction industry and the energy sector. New technologies and uses of wood such as nanocellulose and fibers for textile also make wood an interesting resource with many opportunities. But how is the demand of wood products reflected in the current timber prices? Is it possible to detect general trends in the wood product price development and fluctuation during the past years? And how should we expect the wood product prices to develop in the future? To understand the role of forests in the bioeconomy, these are all important questions to ask and analyze. Hover to read toppic suggestions.
Historical and future timber price development on a global scale
Optimization of forest data collection and handling using new technologies
Why invest in forestry? Perspectives of investors and market players
Forest property price development in Northern Europe
The economic value of carbon – putting a price tag on forest and land use carbon
Topic of your own choice.
Theme 3 - Silviculture

Description: When looking at the future within forestry we may face a long range of uncertainties when it comes to the effect of climate change and the future establishment and growth of forest ecosystems. These uncertainties lead to a range of questions; How can we secure resilient and resistant forests in the future? How can we optimize the expensive establishment phase of forest plantations? And how can new technology help measuring and documenting the forest activities? Hover to read topic suggestions.
Future tree species in terms of adapting to and mitigating climate change.
Resistant and resilient cultures / plantations.
New technologies for measuring forest ecosystems.
Optimisation of the cultivation phase of plantation forestry.
Tree growth modelling in Scottish and Baltic forests.
Options for using containerised seedlings in the UK and the Baltic Sea Region.
Topic of your own choice.
Theme 4 - Forest product industry

Forest product industry
Description: Being a raw material industry, the forestry sector is highly dependent on the related processing industry. To mitigate investment risk as well as ensuring a resource and climate efficient use of round wood, it is important to have a good understanding and overview of the current processing businesses located close to the forests. Furthermore, analyses of which industries are likely to develop in coming years are valuable to guide forest management planning and forest valuations. Hover to read topic suggestions.
Current use of wood and wood product flows.
Future needs of wood: High quality timber, fibers, or both?
The future of biomass for energy production in Europe.
Barriers to promotion of wood products.
Development of alternative wood products.
Wood products as part of a circular economy.
Topic of your own choice.